Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long time passing

I took a needed break from blogging and having a personal presence on the Web. I don't know what, exactly, brings me back but it feels right to dip my toes into the shallow end of the pool and see what happens.

I was inspired to look at Mary Oliver's work again, after reading a post at ChezSpud, and the following poem resonates today:

"Can You Imagine?
For example, what the trees do
not only in lightening storms
or the watery dark of a summer's night
or under the white nets of winter
but now, and now, and now - whenever
we're not looking. Surely you can't imagine
they don't dance, from the root up, wishing
to travel a little, not cramped so much as wanting
a better view, or more sun, or just as avidly
more shade - surely you can't imagine they just
stand there loving every
minute of it, the birds or the emptiness, the dark rings
of the years slowly and without a sound
thickening, and nothing different unless the wind,
and then only in its own mood, comes
to visit, surely you can't imagine
patience, and happiness, like that."

- Mary Oliver


  1. Nancy, thank you for coming out of the shadows to say hello and for reading Bonnie's interview. How interesting that we both advise students, and that you have Channing's words up in your office! I only discovered that quote the other day when I was creating a post about the NY fashion shows, of all things. One of the things I love about blogging are the unexpected discoveries along the way.

    I wish you well coming back to an online presence. Anyone who likes Mary Oliver is a friend. This poem is one I haven't read before, and once again, it just goes to that deep groan place that her poems always do.

  2. Ruth, thank you for visiting. The internet is such a treasure, opening new vistas for us, and providing serendipitous connections. I'm glad to have connected with you.

  3. Love this. AND, since I've promised to read a poem every day during 2012, you gave me my poem for today! xo

  4. Awesome! I love Mary Oliver, so glad I found you here via A Human Thing. I posted over there, BS. :-)

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Becky!

  6. Such a lovely poem :)
    (And breaks from blogging and being online are so welcome sometimes, I know. I'm aiming for a break in August.)
