Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We come to understanding in our own time

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
~Steve Jobs

This past weekend I turned 54, only two years younger than Steve Jobs at his passing. His quote, widely read, makes me feel, at turns, nervous, lost, vulnerable, and hopeful.

I understand that my time is limited. According to someone's statistics I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 days left. There are no guarantees, of course, and I may have only one day left. I'm swayed by another thought of Jobs, about asking himself if he had only one day left would he still want to do what he planned to do that day. I think about that often.

Outwardly I have lived my own life, and yet I know how much I have lived a life in the shadow of other people's (mostly unmet) expectations of me. I've spent many years following my heart while ignoring my intuition. And, I don't know what I want to "become."

I wonder if that is because I am already what I am meant to be or because I'm afraid that I can't really become what I want to become. I'm not sure either of those sentences is accurate. Perhaps my understanding is just coming later than it does for many people. That one day I will understand seems to be the truth, and I have to set aside my worries, fears, self-perceived inadequacies and stop listening to the voices of others to hear my own voice. I trust that I have my own voice and my own understanding. I am content to practice patience so that I may listen to it.


  1. More and more I'm learning that most people are in some stage of figuring out who they want to be... it's just that from where we're standing, looking out (and up) it looks like they already know.

    And also, those of us in the middle-ish place in our lives... we're probably, as much as anything else, figuring out what we want to be NOW (since evolution has led us someplace new).

    Love this post! xo

  2. Grin--this time tables are turned, I actually wrote something and you commented. I like it!

    I really agree about the NOW comment. Who I was isn't who I want to become...I want to become a wiser, more patient and ever evolving me!


  3. gosh, I can only say 'follow' what your heart says. I'm reading a great book at the moment for my art research (Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung) and there's a chapter that talks about each of us having our own path to 'self realisation' and no-one else's and we know by our unconscious (or as some people prefer: non-conscious) and if we can only listen and get in touch with that we find our true lives path and I soooo agree with that. I know I am doing mine, but it did take a 'while' to get there.

    I wish you every success and good luck. What a wonderful quote from Steve Jobs :)


  4. Amelia,

    I just found your comment (so much for technology doing what we ask!). Thank you for visiting. I'm a fan of Jung's work, and agree with what you've said about the path. Many things take a "while" but that's often what makes them so worthwhile!
